Dare to Bare
Don't for get your neck & DECOLLETE
When it comes to rejuvenation, often the décolleté and neck are forgotten.
At So Haute Skin we take a holistic approach to skin repair and rejuvenation. Rarely has a person's face been over exposed to the sun without the chest, arms and hands being affected.
We strongly recommend treating the face, neck and décolleté together to keep everything appearing in the same decade. When people only do their face, the neck and chest often give away their age!
Multi modalities are used to rejuvenate the Neck & Décolleté, Laser, Light and Chemical peeling are normally combined for intensive rejuvenation, restoring and repairing colour, texture and tone for a more softer and supple décolleté. Unlike Facial Rejuvenation Treating the neck and décolleté will take a longer period of time and often requires more treatments.